Dealer’s V3 200T


* inkl. MwSt. zzgl. Versandkosten

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  • Respooled Kodak Vision3 200T
  • Ideal for studio shots and portraits
  • Fine grain & brilliant colors
  • Cinematic look, especially at night
(2 customer reviews)

The fine-grained alternative to V3 500T with the same color rendering. The film can be used in a variety of ways and is easy to edit digitally.
In midday sun or very cool light, an 85B filter is recommended, as the film otherwise tends to have a blue cast. Alternatively, the blue cast can also be corrected well in post-processing.
Here is a detailed review of the film.

The film material that is used for movies worldwide: Once Upon a Time in Hollywood, The Big Short, Arbitrage, Django Unchained

Motion picture film: This film has a remjet layer, so it can’t be dropped of at a normal lab, because that would damage their processing machine! There are numerous specialized labs that develop this film, a List can be found here. Alternatively, developing at home is not complicated, a guide can be found here.

Storage: This film is fresh and is stored in the freezer from the start. Single film rolls are always wound from fresh master rolls.






Tungsten (3200K)





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2 reviews for Dealer's V3 200T

  1. English


    Kann mich meinem Vorredner nur anschließen, besonders bei Nachtshootings die erste Wahl.

  2. English


    Schnelle Lieferung und gut verpackt. Der Vision3 200T hat mir am besten gefallen, feines Korn und super einfach zu bearbeiten in post.

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