Dealer’s EXR 100T


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  • Respooled Kodak EXR 100T
  • Very fine grain & pronunced colors
  • Produces true to life colors, despite its age
  • Films that were shot on this material: Men in Black, The Fifth Element, Forrest Gump

The EXR product line was the forerunner of Vision. EXR is said to have slightly more grain, slightly increased contrast and sharpness. The negatives are surprisingly transparent for their age and of a bright orange, almost indistinguishable from V3. The films colors are true to life and can be easily post-processed without an 85B filter.
It is recommended to use it with sufficient lighting, the film also reacts well to overexposure. Slight color shifts may occur in difficult lighting situations.

Since the film is expired, it is highly recommended to develop it in ECN-2, where the colors are pronounced and realistic, while the film gets an experimental look in C-41.
In midday sun or very cool light, an 85B filter is recommended, as the film otherwise tends to have a blue cast. This can be corrected to a limited extent in post-processing.

Motion picture film: This film has a remjet layer, so it can’t be dropped of at a normal lab, because that would damage their processing machine! There are numerous specialized labs that develop this film, a List can be found here. Alternatively, developing at home is not complicated, a guide can be found here.

Age: This film dates from 2001 and therefore has a lower ISO than the manufacturer’s specification, as film loses sensitivity (ISO) with age. We therefore determine the True ISO (see below in the properties), with which the film is correctly exposed.




Tungsten (3200K)



True ISO






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